Aaaah, May certainly was my month of magic! I never quite realised the magic of vision boards, until I started creating them for myself, but once I experience their power this process has become an ongoing practice for me! I create a new one every two the three months and have a current one pinned in front of my desk, while the ones I have moved through now serve as my ‘vision memory wall paper’.

There are various ways to create vision boards, but the process I facilitate focusses on working on a subliminal level, in that you have no intellectual understanding of your choice of picture, other than ‘it feels right’. Once complete, you put it out the Universe and watch it unfold!

This magic really works on a profound level. Let’s take a look at my current vision board (done at the start of April). What is a Buddhist monk doing there? And Mama Mia? I had no idea either…but two weeks later it all unfolded!

My dear friend, Jenni, was getting married to Geoff in KZN, on the 13th of April, and as part of the trip I slipped in a day of business marketing the Thursday before. The Universe giggles and knows what I really need – business falls through and now that I am on my way to Durban, what do I do? Ah, there is the fabulous Buddhist Retreat Centre in Ixopo that I have always longed to visit. I call them, yes, they can have me, but unfortunately only for Thursday night, as they have an enormous group arriving the next day. Haha the Universe laughs again, you are going through to Jenni on Friday anyway, so Thursday night is perfect! There is my monk! As for Mama-Mia, yes you guessed…how was I to know that Jenni and Geoff’s wedding was exactly that? Community, fun and laughter from start to end. This is magic!