On the 18 November 2016 I posted this on the Roots & Wings page: ‘WE MISSED THE SUPER MOON! I have been sitting with a deep sadness as to how we missed this opportunity to really stop for a moment, take a deep breath and look up! The busyness of life got in the way. I was running a course on Monday evening and Will, my husband, had his list of ‘things to do to get us through’…and the moment is gone! Last night I sat with my 8 year old daughter and we both shed a tear about this lost opportunity. My gift and the question I keep reflecting on, is ‘What really matters now?’…only THIS moment is real!’
Tonight (31/01/2018) is the first Super Blue Moon since 1886. I have no idea what this means in scientific terms, but I am VERY clear on what it means to me. Tonight I have an opportunity to be in the moment, to hold Anna’s hand, to dance in the moonlight with her, to howl at the moon if we have the urge and who knows perhaps we’ll even take our mattresses outside and sleep under its glow….only THIS moment is real!
LESSON: We all mess up and that’s part of being human, but it’s the lessons we take from those learnings and it is how we choose to respond the next time around.
NOTE TO SELF AND CHILDREN: Being human means we make mistakes. My dear children I am deeply sad when I hurt you, by being so wrapped up in my own world. Please forgive me. Let’s look at ‘What really matters?’ together and let’s move forward from here.
PUTTING IT INTO ACTION: When faced with a choice I will continue to ask myself ‘What really matters?’…and tonight my children and I will howl at the Super Blue Moon!!!