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Hey Matrics, this year can still be rescued and is still yours to own!

Your rite of passage has been turned on its head and it is 100% normal to feel sad, frustrated, angry, lost (…and a whole lot of swear words added here too!), but it is what YOU CHOOSE to do with this that matters now! It is how you move forward from this point.

It is here where you swallow this bittersweet pill, where you unpack, understand and really embrace this experience and repackage it for you. It is here where YOU reframe your way of thinking and being as you move through the rest of the year and forward into your fabulous future. It is here where I come in and invite you to join our Matric Edge 2020 Community.


I believe in you. I believe that if you are able to reframe this year, mourn the losses and grow through the uncomfortable, you will be set you up for success, like you never thought possible. I believe that this year can still be YOUR year if you choose to own it!


Matric Edge is an online executive coaching process designed to support the Matrics of 2020, through their final exams and into their future. There is NO academic work. Instead, it provides a space where you can unpack, reflect and reset weekly, in order to rise above it all this year.


  • 6 weeks of live weekly coaching support from your Matric Edge Pod group.
  • Online support and engagement from our Matric Edge 2020 Facebook. Community – up until you have finished matric!!
  • A declutter of note – take out what really matters!
  • A new paradigm and framework to live with going forward.
  • Executive coaching skills that will set you up as the CEO of your life.
  • Ability to remain focused and grounded thorough your exams.
  • A space where you can vent, laugh and cry without judgement.
  • A group of new friends in the ‘same storm’ as you.
  • Ability to remain grounded amidst all the chaos.
  • Ability to make lemonade from the lemons.
  • A Matric Edge 2020 REAL LIVE HUMAN get together – to celebrate when we step out into the light at the end of the tunnel. Date to be confirmed – bring a plate and let’s connect, for real.

….and so much more….


  • You commit to a Matric Edge Pod for the 6-week duration.
  • We meet weekly, for 1-hour via Zoom. Here, we process the breakdowns and break throughs of the week, reflect, reconnect and reset.
  • I also share valuable tools and tips with you to practice during the week.
  • Between sessions, you are asked to practice doing a few things differently. I promise this is NOT more work, instead it is a refreshing way to explore possibilities and to make things easier!
  • Online Facebook Community is there for you to engage with when and how you wish. We share, support and collaborate on this platform. You are a member of this group always, as there is and will only be one class of Matrics 2020!


  • An academic process – INSTEAD you will understand yourself and this will turbo boost your academic performance.
  • A social get together and moan session – INSTEAD you will be supported by an experienced executive coach and teacher (myself J) and fellow Matrics.
  • A load of learning material, readings, etc. – INSTEAD you will be reflecting on your behaviour and trying out new responses and coaching tools – that are immediately applicable and really work!
  • Something you just ‘do’ to tick the box – INSTEAD you commit to the process and know that you will not be seeing your world through the same lens at the end of our time together.
  • For Gr11’s or Matrics of 2021 or 2022 – INTEAD it is for YOU, the Matrics of 2020. A year like no other and a coaching process for THIS YEAR and FOR YOU!



  1. TUESDAYS: 6 Oct – 10 Nov
  2. THURSDAYS: 15 Oct – 19 Nov

TIMES: All sessions 17h00 – 18h00

COST: R2 395 all inclusive.

Yes, and for real. My idea with this is to support as many Matrics as I can through the rest of the year, in a personal way and at an affordable rate. This process and this rate is once-off for the Matrics of 2020 only.

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