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Hey, parents – I hear you! It was all so sorted; the kids were settled at school and we were all doing our thing as usual, and then just like that, life as we know it has been turned on its head! What is real, what is not? What about their future? Who must I believe? Where is the pandemic-parenting-manual? When is all of this going back to normal?

The reality is that the sooner we let go of the past and acknowledge that we are not going ‘back to normal’, but that instead we are going forward, the sooner we can begin to create our next parenting chapter. Here is where I come in and invite you to join our Navigating Parenthood through the Pandemic Community.


Because, I am a parent too and I understand where you are at. I have also been pacing the hallways and tossing at night, but my ‘secret power’ is that I understand the importance of changing our narrative and I have the skills and experience to guide and support you through this. How we reframe our losses and how we move forward is a choice only YOU can make.


‘Navigating Parenthood in the Pandemic’ is an online executive coaching process designed to support parents in and through the pandemic. The aim is for you to relook and rewire your parenting story, and to enable you to support yourself and your family as we move through these uncertain times and into a new future.


  • 6 x 1 – 1.5 hrs of live, weekly, group coaching.
  • Support from your Navigating Parenthood Pod group.
  • Ongoing support and engagement from our Navigating Parenthood Facebook Community.
  • Ability to navigate your children’s worries, when you have these same feelings yourself.
  • Ability to trust yourself even though you are unable to make sense of all. political, economic, emotional noise that is happening in the background.
  • Insight as how to maintain balance and be resourced when your livelihood has been impacted and you feel so unsafe.
  • Be empowered with tools that will keep you grounded during these times.
  • Clarity as to what you can do about this uncertain future.
  • Learn how to listen and understand what your child is really saying …and not saying.
  • Make new decisions that are aligned with your true values during uncertain times.
  • Discover and trust own your unique parenting style that works for you today.
  • Coach your child to find the solutions him/herself.
  • Feel lighter and not alone on this parenting in the pandemic journey.
  • Empower your child with roots for stability and wings to fly…no matter what the circumstances are.
  • Use these new skills in all areas of your life – relationships, work and play.
    ….and so much more….


  • You commit to a Navigating Parenting through the Pandemic Pod for the 6 week duration.
  • We meet weekly, for 1.5 hour via Zoom. Here we process breakdowns and break-throughs of the week; reflect, reconnect and reset. I also share valuable tools and tips.
  • Each week, via email, you receive a video lesson, an exercise and a tool to practice (will take a max of two hours per week).
  • Online Facebook Community is there for you to engage with when and how you wish. We share, support and collaborate on this platform. You are a member of this group, always!


  • More work and effort added to the already heavy parenting crisis load you are carrying – INSTEAD it is a refreshing way to make things more possible and easier!
  • A social get-together and moan session – INSTEAD you will be supported by an experienced executive coach and teacher (myself ) and fellow parents.
  • An academic process – INSTEAD it is an integral coaching process where tools are immediately applicable and really work!
  • Something you just ‘do’ to tick the box – INSTEAD you commit to the process and know that you will not be seeing your world through the same lens at the end of our time together.


MONDAY EVENING: 12 Oct – 16 NOV (19h30 – 21h00)

COST: R2 395 all inclusive. Yes, and for real. My goal is to support as many parents as possible right through the year, in a personal way and at an affordable rate. This process and this rate is a once-off for Parents Navigating this Pandemic in 2020!

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