Work With Me

Work With Me

I am committed to working with open minded, dynamic clients who are ready for a paradigm shift and are willing to take 100% responsibility for their new reality.

Ways To Work With Me

Virtual & Private Coaching with Lindsy Carter-Bolus

Online Coaching

Private coaching for high-performing individuals striving for optimal results in a limited time. Overseas scholarship applicants, business leaders, next level in your career, academic edge for students, silver to gold on the sport field…

This is Me
Workshops & Courses with Lindsy Carter-Bolus

Online Courses

For 2020 only, these once off bespoke offerings, focus on supporting YOU as you navigate your way in and though the pandemic. This process will meet you where you are currently at and will give you the paradigm and behavioural shift you need.


Not convinced? Read testimonials from previous clients

Convince Me

How do you know if the coaching process is right for YOU ?

This coaching process is right for you if:

  • You are serious about gaining that x-factor
  • You are committed to doing the work
  • You are prepared to feel uncomfortable
  • You have the grit to step into the arena
  • You are able to reflect on challenging questions
  • You do the work between sessions

This coaching process is not for you if:

  • You expect me to fix your problems
  • You are not prepared to show up fully
  • Think you can throw money at the problem and it will go away
  • You are not committed to the process
  • You do not have the tenacity to see the process through

What you will gain from the coaching process:

  • Specific outcomes we have identified that you would like to achieve in various areas of your life
  • An intangible X-Factor that will take you to and keep you in the next level
  • A new reality
  • Freedom from any blocks/challenges holding you back
  • Ability to self regulate through future challenges
  • Clear understanding of your limiting beliefs and how to overcome them

Are You Ready To Step Into Your Greatness?

start now

What Type of People Work With Me?

Aaaah, ALL types!

The one defining factor is that they are wanting to step into their greatness and are prepared to dig deep and to do the work.

Here are a few examples:

Award winning designer and business owner wanting to take his business to the next level.

Specialist Doctor, gaining coaching benefits in both personal and business realms

Organizational leader prepared to dig deep, to grow and to lean into his strengths.

Executive director going through career transition.

High-performing CA and MBA graduate seeking to become a better version of himself.

Dynamic Dr and MBA graduate needing to make a life change.

Inspirational young adult in search of clarity.